Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Camer Experiment 1

I've been experimenting with my camera system and now I actually have a build!

You can play it here:

It's a definitely not perfect, but it's definitely something I can build on for the final camera.

My goal was to make the camera do  two things:

  1. Keep the Slow Blade and the Play visible onscreen at all times. (Use "T" to enable or disable this feature.)
  2. Lead the player in the direction they're moving, so they always see what they're moving towards.

           I might end up needing to make the camera leading customized to each level, based on the obstacles, but I'm hoping this generic leading will work as a one size fits all solution. I'll need to smooth it out for the final build, and as always, any tips would be appreciated.

All files are available on GitHub:
The script being used is "ZoomController.cs".

For this experiment, I'm using Prime31's sample character controller available HERE. I'll develop my own as my next experiment.

Obviously the artwork is placeholder art.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Character Concept

It's been a while since my last post, but don't think that means I haven't been working.

Here's my preliminary sketches for the main character. I've also started his animations, but I don't want to post those until I can get them in game.
I've also had some good results with the dynamic cameral, so look for a build of my experiments in my next post.